Friday, September 21, 2007
Nahit- Chick Peas
By Jamie Stolper @ 6:08 PM :: 13496 Views :: 425 Comments :: :: All, Salads, Holidays, Pareve, Vegetarian

Nahit - Chick Peas


Jamie Stolper


My grandmother, of blessed memory, made this traditional food for the Friday evening celebration after each of my three sons was born.  She also served it on Purim, when it is supposed to remind us of the simple ways of Queen Esther, who shone among the maidens in the King's court despite her simple, kosher diet.  I have always loved chick peas, and this is a simple and delicious way to enjoy them.




One 20-ounce can chick peas (garbanzo beans)

Salt and pepper to taste


Drain the chick peas and place on a double thickness of paper towel.  Pat the tops of the chick peas dry with another paper towel and let sit for an hour or so until all the moisture has evaporated.  You can also spread out the drained chick peas on a cookie sheet and place in a preheated 300-degree oven for 5 minutes.  Sprinkle the chick peas with salt and pepper to taste and serve warm or at room temperature.  Serve in a small bowl and eat as you would nuts.  Store leftovers in the refrigerator.


Yield: About 2 cups